Meet the high-speed, high-tech Case IH Early Riser planter
This advanced piece of equipment is not just a planter; it’s a game-changer for farmers looking to elevate their operations to new heights. Building on the accuracy, durability and productivity principles of its Case IH predecessors, it now offers several features that sets it apart from the rest.
Producers experience faster emergence and more uniform germination in a wide variety of crops with the Early Riser planter, which has been proven time and again, and replicated in agronomic trials. The long-term benefits directly impact yields, weed control and profitability.
High-capacity and versatility
When planting, convenience and productivity are key. That’s why this planter provides convenient bulk-fill and fertilizer options for accurate, high-speed planting. Available in five configurations, this planter is built to plant all your crops, from maize to cotton and peanuts to dry beans, and come in 30-, 36-, 38- and 40-inch (76,2-, 91,4-, 96,5-,and 101,6-centimeter) row spacing.It features a large seed hopper, reducing the need for frequent refilling during planting operations; increasing efficiency and minimising downtime. With customisable row spacing options, the planter adapts to different crop types and planting practices, providing versatility for farmers with diverse agricultural needs.
The stack-fold configuration brings row units close to the tractor, allowing operators to easily manoeuvre and plant as close as possible to an irrigation ditch or pipe. Plus, the mounted design allows the planter to follow guidance lines more precisely.
Robust and durable construction
Durability is crucial for equipment used in demanding African farming environments. The Early Riser planter boasts a robust frame designed to withstand the rigours of field work, ensuring long-term reliability. Wear-resistant materials and components are used throughout the planter, reducing maintenance requirements and extending its lifespan.
The heavy-duty toolbar on these planters provides a solid frame for a smooth, durable stack-fold system. During planting, weight is evenly distributed across the tractor, maximising flotation and minimising compaction. The stacker folding system performs fast, convenient stacking, so operators can get in and out of the field quickly and efficiently.
AFS Connect technology
Case IH’s AFS Connect technology has become synonymous with precision agriculture. This system provides farmers with unprecedented control and visibility over their equipment and operations. The Early Riser planter harnesses the power of AFS Connect, offering farmers
remote monitoring and control of their planter. This means adjustments can be made on the move without the need to physically be in the field, saving time and reducing downtime.
AFS Connect collects a wealth of data during planting operations, from seed spacing to soil conditions. This data is then stored and can be accessed for future analysis. It provides farmers with valuable insights into their planting practices, allowing for data-driven decision-making.
Precision Planting technology
Precision agriculture in this case is all about achieving uniformity in planting, and the Early Riser excels in this aspect. With AFS Connect, farmers can ensure precise seed placement, spacing, and depth, resulting in more uniform crop emergence and, ultimately, higher yields.
It employs cutting-edge seed metering systems to precisely control seed drop and placement, ensuring consistent seed spacing for optimal crop growth. Naturally, depth control is critical for crop development. This planter’s hydraulic downforce system allows for real-time depth adjustments, adapting to varying soil conditions to achieve the desired planting depth.
The Early Riser also incorporates features like in-row soil management to create an ideal seedbed environment, resulting in faster emergence and more uniform crop stands.
Thanks to these game-changing features, producers now have access to a high-speed planter for many terrains and crop types. With its perfect combination of speed, durability, accuracy and convenience, the Case IH Early Riser delivers on reliability and performance for producers looking to exploit tight planting windows. It gets the job done quickly and efficiently, time after time.
Case IH is the professionals’ choice, drawing on more than 175 years of heritage and experience in the agricultural industry. A powerful range of tractors, combines, planters and balers supported by a global network of highly professional dealers dedicated to providing our customers with the superior support and performance solutions required to be productive and effective in the 21st century. More information on Case IH products and services can be found online at
Case IH is a brand of CNH Industrial N.V., a World leader in Capital Goods listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario of the Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). More information about CNH Industrial can be found online at
Ontmoet die hoë-spoed, hoë-tegnologie Case IH Early Riser-planter
Ontmoet die planter wat presisie, werkverrigting en winsgewendheid voorop stel vir produsente regoor die wêreld, en hoe die Early Riser® van Case IH nou Suider-Afrikaanse boere se besigheid kan baat.
Hierdie gevorderde stuk toerusting is nie net ‘n planter nie; dis ‘n spelbreker vir boere wat hul bedrywighede na nuwe hoogtes wil neem. Geskoei op die beginsels van akkuraatheid, duursaamheid en produktiwiteit van sy Case IH-voorgangers, dié planter bied nou verskeie kenmerke wat hom van die res onderskei.
Met die Early Riser-planter ervaar produsente vinniger opkoms en meer eenvormige ontkieming in ‘n wye verskeidenheid gewasse, wat reeds keer op keer bewys is en in agronomiese proewe bevestig is. Die langtermynvoordele het ‘n direkte impak op opbrengste, onkruidbeheer en winsgewendheid.
Veelsydigheid en hoë kapasiteit
Wanneer boere plant, stel hulle gerieflikheid en produktiwiteit hoog op prys. Daarom bied hierdie planter gerieflike grootmaatvul- en bemestingopsies vir akkurate, hoëspoed-plantwerk. Die Early Riser is beskikbaar in vyf konfigurasies en is gebou om al jou gewasse te plant; van mielies tot katoen, en van grondbone tot droëbone, en kom in 30-, 36-, 38- en 40-duim (76,2-, 91,4-, 96,5-, en 101,6 sentimeter) ryspasiërings.
Dit beskik oor ‘n groot saadbak, wat die behoefte aan gereelde hervulling tydens plant verminder, doeltreffendheid verhoog en staantyd verminder. Met aanpasbare ryspasiëring-opsies pas die planter by verskillende gewastipes en plantpraktyke aan, wat veelsydigheid vir boere met uiteenlopende landboubehoeftes bied.
Die stapelvou-konfigurasie bring ry-eenhede nader aan die trekker, wat operateurs in staat stel om makliker te beweeg en so na as moontlik aan byvoorbeeld ‘n besproeiingssloot of -pyp te plant. Boonop laat die gemonteerde ontwerp die planter toe om gidslyne meer akkuraat te volg.
Robuuste en duursame konstruksie
Duursaamheid is van kardinale belang vir toerusting wat in veeleisende Afrika-boerdery-omgewings gebruik word. Die Early Riser-planter spog met ‘n robuuste raam wat ontwerp is om strawwe werk in lande te trotseer, wat langtermynbetroubaarheid verseker. Slytvaste materiale en komponente word regdeur die planter gebruik, wat instandhoudingsvereistes verminder en die lewensduur verleng.
Die swaardiens-nutsbalk op die 2130-planter bied ‘n soliede raam vir ‘n gladde, duursame stapelvou-stelsel. Tydens plant word gewig eweredig oor die trekker versprei, wat grondverdigting tot die minimum beperk. Die stapelvou-stelsel voer vinnige, gerieflike stapeling uit, sodat operateurs vinnig en doeltreffend in en uit die land kan beweeg.
AFS Connect-tegnologie
Case IH se AFS Connect-tegnologie het sinoniem geword met presisielandbou. Hierdie stelsel bied boere ongekende beheer en sigbaarheid oor hul toerusting en bedrywighede. Die Early Riser-planter benut die kragtige vermoë van AFS Connect, wat boere uitstaande
afstandmonitering en beheer oor hul planter bied. Dit beteken dat aanpassings enige tyd gemaak kan word sonder dat dit nodig is om fisies in die land te wees, wat uiteraard tyd bespaar en staantyd verminder.
AFS Connect versamel ‘n magdom inligting tydens plantbedrywighede, van saadspasiëring tot grondtoestande. Hierdie data word dan gestoor en kan verkry word vir toekomstige ontleding. Dit bied boere waardevolle insigte in hul plantpraktyke, wat data-gedrewe besluitneming moontlik maak.
Precision Planting-tegnologie
Presisielandbou in hierdie geval gaan alles oor die bereiking van eenvormigheid in aanplanting, en die Early Riser blink uit in hierdie aspek. Met AFS Connect kan boere presiese saadplasing, spasiëring en diepte verseker, wat lei tot meer eenvormige gewasopkoms en hoër opbrengste.
Dit gebruik die nuutste meetstelsels om saadval en plasing presies te beheer, wat konsekwente saadspasiëring vir optimale gewasgroei verseker. Dieptebeheer is natuurlik krities vir gewasontwikkeling, en dié planter se hidrouliese plasingstelsel maak voorsiening vir intydse diepte-aanpassings, wat aanpas by wisselende grondtoestande om die verlangde plantdiepte te bereik.
Die Early Riser bied ook kenmerke soos in-ry grondbestuur om ‘n ideale saadbed omgewing te skep, wat lei tot vinniger opkoms en meer eenvormige gewasstande.
Danksy al hierdie uitstaande kenmerke het produsente nou toegang tot ‘n hoëspoedplanter vir talle terreine en gewastipes. Met sy perfekte kombinasie van spoed, duursaamheid, akkuraatheid en gerief, lewer die Case IH Early Riser betroubaarheid en puik werkverrigting vir boere wat dikwels slegs ‘n beperkte tydgleuf het om te plant. Hierdie planter kry die werk gedoen – vinnig en doeltreffend, keer op keer.
Case IH is beroepslui se eerste keuse, met meer as 175 jaar erfenis en ervaring in die landboubedryf. ‘n Kragtige reeks trekkers, stropers, planters en balers wat ondersteun word deur ‘n wêreldwye netwerk van hoogs professionele handelaars wat oorgehaal is om die beste ondersteuning en prestasie-oplossings aan ons klante te bied wat in die 21ste eeu nodig is om produktief en effektief te wees. Meer inligting oor Case IH-produkte en -dienste kan aanlyn gevind word by
Case IH is ‘n handelsmerk van CNH Industrial N.V., ‘n wêreldleier in kapitaalgoedere wat op die New York Effektebeurs genoteer is (NYSE: CNHI) en op die Mercato Telematico Azionario van die Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). Meer inligting oor CNH Industrial kan aanlyn gevind word by