Smarter planting: Case IH Early Riser planter
Smarter planting: knowledge makes the difference
The Case IH Early Riser planter goes beyond simply planting seeds. Equipped with AFS Connect technology, it is also a data collection powerhouse. As it moves through the field, it collects data on every aspect of the planting process.
In this article, we will explore how the Early Riser, equipped with AFS Connect technology, revolutionises farming and benefits farmers through smart data collection and interpretation.
Case IH’s renown Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) and AFS Connect™ technology delivers an integrated precision farming solution that supports high-efficiency farming by rethinking productivity to make the most of the season, the soil and the seed. AFS gives producers more control over every operation down to the square centimetre, allowing them to reduce waste, increase overall efficiency and uncover opportunities that turn potential into profit.
Integrated solutions
Through integrated solutions that link farm, fleet and data, AFS Connect helps optimise farm management by delivering the information needed to make better, more-informed decisions. A centralised control centre streamlines access to critical farm, machine and agronomic data from the farmer’s computer or tablet/mobile device throughout the entire process.
This technology facilitates perfect placement of each seed for maximum productivity. It reduces plant crowding with automatic row-by-row overlap control. When a farmer is not in the driver’s seat, he or she can view planter performance remotely and set custom alerts to ensure the equipment is working at peak performance.
Comprehensive field visualisation allows farmers to manage their application prescription and applied information to maximise their revenue based on growing conditions. AFS Connect allows them to ensure seeds are placed accurately in the field based on prior years’ data to achieve maximum yield.
Effective data management
AFS Connect data management lets the farmer view the accumulated data and evaluate the results to gain valuable insight to make accurate decisions for the entire farming operation. This information includes:
- Seed population: The planter records the number of seeds planted per hectare, helping farmers optimise seed usage and avoid overplanting or underplanting.
- Soil conditions: Sensors on the planter measure soil conditions, allowing farmers to make real-time adjustments to seed depth and spacing based on soil moisture and texture.
- Seed placement: Data on seed placement and spacing is crucial for achieving uniform crop stands, which directly impact yield potential.
Interpreting data for better decision-making
Collecting data is just the first step; interpreting it is where the real benefits come into play. The Early Riser Planter, with AFS Connect technology, provides farmers with the tools they need to make informed decisions regarding:
- Yield analysis: Historical data can be compared to yield results, helping farmers identify trends and make adjustments for future plantings.
- Optimised planting plans: By analysing planting data, farmers can fine-tune their planting plans for each field, maximising yield potential and resource efficiency.
- Cost reduction: Data-driven decisions can lead to reduced input costs, as farmers can avoid unnecessary seed and fertilizer expenses while achieving better results.
This cutting-edge technology is all about helping producers harvest more of what they grow, from grain in the tank to nutrients cycled for future crops to the data that will help them make better decisions. AFS Connect helps them monitor, map and evaluate their crop’s performance, and compare yield and moisture data with prior yield maps to determine what factors or operations will maximise future yields.
The Case IH Early Riser planter significantly improves productivity and agronomic performance while minimising waste and optimising time, resources and inputs to maximise returns on every hectare. Built directly into the Case IH equipment, AFS Connect delivers intuitive farming solutions that result in precision down to the square centimetre that invariably increases overall efficiency and maximises yield potential.
Case IH is the professionals’ choice, drawing on more than 175 years of heritage and experience in the agricultural industry. A powerful range of tractors, combines, planters and balers supported by a global network of highly professional dealers dedicated to providing our customers with the superior support and performance solutions required to be productive and effective in the 21st century. More information on Case IH products and services can be found online at
Case IH is a brand of CNH Industrial N.V., a World leader in Capital Goods listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CNHI) and on the Mercato Telematico Azionario of the Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). More information about CNH Industrial can be found online at
Slimmer plantwerk: kennis maak die verskil
Die Case IH Early Riser-planter gaan veel verder as om net saad te plant. Toegerus met AFS Connect-tegnologie, is dit ook ‘n kragtige data-insamelaar; soos dit deur die land beweeg, word data oor elke aspek van die plantproses ingesamel.
In hierdie artikel kyk ons van nader hoe die Early Riser, toegerus met AFS Connect-tegnologie, ‘n omwenteling in boerdery veroorsaak en hoe dit boere deur slim data-insameling en ontleding bevoordeel.
Case IH se bekende Advanced Farming Systems (AFS) en AFS Connect™-tegnologie lewer ‘n geïntegreerde presisieboerdery-oplossing wat boerdery uiters doeltreffend ondersteun deur verhoogde produktiwiteit om die meeste van die seisoen, die grond en die saad te maak. AFS gee produsente meer beheer oor elke aktiwiteit tot op die laaste sentimeter, wat hulle in staat stel om vermorsing te verminder, algehele doeltreffendheid te verhoog en geleenthede te benut wat potensiaal in wins omskep.
Geïntegreerde oplossings
Deur geïntegreerde oplossings wat plaas, vloot en data verbind, help AFS Connect om plaasbestuur te optimaliseer deur die inligting te lewer wat nodig is om beter, meer ingeligte besluite te neem. ’n Gesentraliseerde beheersentrum stroomlyn toegang tot kritieke plaas-, masjien- en agronomiese data vanaf die boer se rekenaar of tablet/mobiele toestel deur die hele proses.
Hierdie tegnologie fasiliteer die perfekte plasing van elke saad vir maksimum produktiwiteit. Dit verminder plantdruk met outomatiese ry-vir-ry-oorvleuelingsbeheer. Wanneer ’n boer nie in die bestuurdersitplek is nie, kan hy of sy die planter se werkverrigting op ‘n afstand beskou en pasgemaakte waarskuwings instel om te verseker dat die toerusting op sy beste funksioneer.
Omvattende visualisering stel boere in staat om hul voorskrifte en toegepaste inligting te bestuur om hul inkomste op grond van groeitoestande ten volle te benut. AFS Connect stel hulle in staat om te verseker dat sade akkuraat in die land geplaas word op grond van vorige jare se data, om maksimum opbrengste te behaal.
Doeltreffende databestuur
AFS Connect-databestuur bied die geleentheid om versamelde data onder oë te neem en die resultate te evalueer om waardevolle insig te verkry wat akkurate besluite vir die hele boerdery moontlik maak. Hierdie inligting sluit in:
- Saadbevolking: Die planter teken die aantal sade wat per hektaar geplant word aan, wat boere help om saadgebruik te optimaliseer en oor- of onderplanting te vermy.
- Grondtoestande: Sensors op die planter meet grondtoestande, wat boere in staat stel om intydse aanpassings aan saaddiepte en -spasiëring te maak gebaseer op grondvog en tekstuur.
- Saadplasing: Data oor saadplasing en -spasiëring is deurslaggewend vir die verkryging van eenvormige gewasstande, wat die opbrengspotensiaal direk beïnvloed.
Data-ontleding vir beter besluitneming
Die insameling van data is net die eerste stap; die ontleding daarvan is waar die werklike voordele ter sprake kom. Die Early Riser planter, met AFS Connect-tegnologie, bied boere die vermoë om ingeligte besluite te neem met:
- Opbrengsontleding: Historiese data kan vergelyk word met opbrengsresultate, wat boere help om tendense te identifiseer en aanpassings vir toekomstige aanplantings te maak.
- Geoptimaliseerde plantplanne: Deur plantdata te ontleed, kan boere hul plantplanne vir elke land verfyn, wat opbrengspotensiaal en hulpbrondoeltreffendheid ten volle benut.
- Kostevermindering: Datagedrewe besluite kan lei tot verlaagde insetkoste, aangesien boere onnodige saad- en kunsmisuitgawes kan vermy, terwyl hulle beter resultate behaal.
Hierdie voortreflike tegnologie is daarop gemik om produsente te help om die beste moontlike opbrengs te verkry, van graan in die tenk tot voedingstowwe wat vir toekomstige gewasse ingewerk word, tot die data wat boere in staat stel om beter besluite te neem. AFS Connect help hulle om gewasse se prestasie te monitor, karteer en evalueer, en om opbrengs- en vogdata met vorige opbrengskaarte te vergelyk om te bepaal watter faktore of bedrywighede toekomstige opbrengste sal optimaliseer.
Die Case IH Early Riser-planter verbeter produktiwiteit en agronomiese werkverrigting dramaties, terwyl vermorsing tot die minimum beperk word. Tyd, hulpbronne en insette word geoptimaliseer om die hoogste opbrengs op elke hektaar moontlik te maak. AFS Connect, wat direk in die Case IH-toerusting ingebou is, lewer intuïtiewe boerdery-oplossings wat lei tot presisie tot op die laaste sentimeter, wat onteenseglik algehele doeltreffendheid verhoog en opbrengspotensiaal maksimaal benut.
Case IH is beroepslui se eerste keuse, met meer as 175 jaar erfenis en ervaring in die landboubedryf. ‘n Kragtige reeks trekkers, stropers, planters en balers wat ondersteun word deur ‘n wêreldwye netwerk van hoogs professionele handelaars wat oorgehaal is om die beste ondersteuning en prestasie-oplossings aan ons klante te bied wat in die 21ste eeu nodig is om produktief en effektief te wees. Meer inligting oor Case IH-produkte en -dienste kan aanlyn gevind word by
Case IH is ‘n handelsmerk van CNH Industrial N.V., ‘n wêreldleier in kapitaalgoedere wat op die New York Effektebeurs genoteer is (NYSE: CNHI) en op die Mercato Telematico Azionario van die Borsa Italiana (MI: CNHI). Meer inligting oor CNH Industrial kan aanlyn gevind word by