Sniper Training | CNH Industrial
CNH Industrial’s ‘Sniper Precision Technology training’ enhances precision farming technology
Continuing its quest to lead the field in precision farming technology, CNH Industrial is rapidly accelerating with its new Connect Facility’s capabilities, which will bring about revolutionary progress in machine connections and proactive support.
The company recently established a Connect Facility at its headquarters in Isando that manages the company’s connected services for its leading agricultural machine brands and enables the shift from a reactive to a proactive approach.
“Customers are constantly under pressure to increase their efficiency and productivity. Our Connect Facility will enable us and our dealers to act quickly – almost in real time – when they have a problem, helping them get the most out of their equipment,” explained Jacques Taylor, managing director of CNH Industrial Southern Africa.
Through continuous monitoring of connected machines’ performance, the Connect Facility’s highly-trained technicians detect potential problems in a timely mar. When a problem arises, an immediate alert is sent to the nearest dealer or branch who can then proactively manage and resolve the situation.
By identifying potential problems at the earliest possible stage, customers and operators gain a distinct advantage in preventing critical breakdowns, optimising machine health, ensuring maximum uptime and efficient fleet management.
Sniper Precision Technology training
To this end CNH Industrial recently conducted an intensive, hands-on training course in Bothaville. According to Nico Myburgh, Head of AG Precision Technologies for CNH Industrial, Middle East & Africa, 40 hand-picked technicians participated in an appropriately named ‘Sniper Precision Technology’ training. “Our approach is born from CNH Industrial’s Global AG Precision Technology (AGPT) strategy, creating a community of Precision Farming specialists designed around the company’s focused cultural belief strategy that places the customer first in every aspect of the business; ensuring we deliver results of the highest quality in terms of safety and profitability”.
“This community will drive our team culture of excellence, ensuring we work together seamlessly to further strengthen CNH Industrial as the leading technology brand in the sector. These Dealer Precision Farming Specialists (DPFS) will impart knowledge to all the relevant divisions to increase practical know-how and further improve and enlarge the footprint of support for the benefit of our customers,” he added.
The training consisted of eight strategic stations, where intensive specialist guidance was provided to the aspirant Sniper Precision Technology technician groups, rotating around the stations for the first half of the course. The groups were shuffled around again, ensuring a culture of ‘one team’, able to work and function in unison. During the second half of the course these groups rotated around the stations that had become test centres, where the knowledge gained was analysed and assessed to force the teams to work together accurately to reach the right solutions for the challenges posed.
Technicians were also taught to perform remote diagnostics on customers’ machines via the Connect Facility and to connect to the machine’s display and act without leaving their desks. The system will help customers keep their fleet in perfect order without disrupting their farming, by calling them in advance to plan routine maintenance services around their work schedules.
The system that is utilised at the Connect Facility generates useful reports for customers to get the best out of their machines and thus protect their investment. These include monthly machine history reports, machine care and maintenance reports, and machine operation reports.
With continually updated knowledge, skills and proprietary methodologies, the company has the latest transformative technologies at its fingertips. Most importantly, automation frees up resources to focus on strategic digital initiatives for customers.
CNH Industrial’s adaptive approach to technology development stems from first-hand experience with farming challenges. As true pioneers, the company’s superior connected platform provides a seamless, intuitive digital experience. It collects, stores, visualises and analyses data, which aids informed decision making. Efficient resource utilisation drives profitability, while precision farming promotes sustainability by enabling customers to farm with greater efficiency and accuracy.
CNH Industrial se ‘Skerpskutter-Presisie-opleiding’ verbeter presisieboerderytegnologie
Met die doel om sy leiding in presisieboerderytegnologie verder uit te brei, is CNH Industrial besig om sy nuwe Connect Facility-vermoëns vinnig te versnel, wat revolusionêre vordering in masjienverbindings en proaktiewe ondersteuning bewerkstellig.
Die maatskappy het onlangs ‘n Connect Facility, oftewel ‘n verbindingsgerief, by sy hoofkwartier in Isando gevestig wat die maatskappy se gekoppelde dienste vir sy voorste landboumasjienhandelsmerke bestuur en die verskuiwing van ‘n reaktiewe na ‘n proaktiewe benadering moontlik maak.
“Klante is voortdurend onder druk om hul doeltreffendheid en produktiwiteit te verhoog. Ons Connect Facility sal ons en ons handelaars in staat stel om vinnig – amper intyds – op te tree wanneer ‘n probleem opduik, en hulle help om die meeste uit hul toerusting te kry,” verduidelik Jacques Taylor, besturende direkteur van CNH Industrial Southern Africa.
Deur deurlopende monitering van gekoppelde masjiene se werkverrigting, bespeur die Connect Facility se hoogs opgeleide tegnici potensiële probleme betyds. Wanneer ‘n probleem opduik, word ‘n onmiddellike waarskuwing aan die naaste handelaar of tak gestuur wat die situasie dan proaktief kan bestuur en oplos.
Deur potensiële probleme op die vroegste moontlike tydstip te identifiseer, kry klante en operateurs ‘n duidelike voordeel in die voorkoming van kritieke onklaarrakings, die optimalisering van masjiengesondheid, die versekering van maksimum looptyd en doeltreffende vlootbestuur.
Skerpskutter Presisietegnologie-opleiding
Vir hierdie doel het CNH Industrial onlangs ‘n intensiewe, praktiese opleidingskursus in Bothaville aangebied. Volgens Nico Myburgh, hoof van AG Precision Technologies vir CNH Industrial, Midde-Ooste & Afrika, het 40 uitgesoekte tegnici deelgeneem aan ‘n toepaslik genoemde Skerpskutter-presisietegnologie-opleiding “Ons benadering is gebore uit CNH Industrial se Global AG Precision Technology (AGPT)-strategie, wat ‘n gemeenskap van presisieboerdery-spesialiste skep. Dié gemeenskap bevorder die maatskappy se gefokusde kulturele strategie wat die klant eerste plaas in elke aspek van die besigheid; dit verseker dat ons resultate van die hoogste gehalte in terme van veiligheid en winsgewendheid kan lewer”.
“Hierdie gemeenskap sal ons kultuur van uitnemendheid oor beide die Case IH- en New Holland-handelsmerke aandryf, om te verseker dat ons moeitevry saamwerk om CNH Industrial verder te versterk as die voorste tegnologiehandelsmerk in die sektor. Hierdie handelaars-presisieboerderyspesialiste sal inligting aan al die betrokke afdelings oordra om praktiese kennis te verhoog en die voetspoor van ondersteuning verder te verbeter en te vergroot tot voordeel van ons klante,” het hy bygevoeg.
Die opleiding het bestaan uit agt strategiese stasies, waar intensiewe spesialisvoorligting aan die aspirant Skerpskutter-presisietegnologie tegnikus groepe oorgedra is, wat vir die eerste helfte van die kursus om die stasies geroteer het. Die groepe van vyf is weer heringedeel om ‘n benadering van ‘een span’, wat saam kan werk en funksioneer, te bevorder. Gedurende die tweede helfte van die kursus het hierdie groepe om die stasies, wat intussen toetssentrums geword het, geroteer, waar die kennis wat opgedoen is, ontleed en geassesseer is om die spanne te dwing om akkuraat saam te werk om sodoende die regte oplossings vir die gegewe uitdagings te bereik.
Tegnici is ook geleer om afstanddiagnostiek op klante se masjiene uit te voer via die Connect Facility en om aan die betrokke masjien se skerm te koppel en op te tree sonder om hul lessenaars te verlaat. Dié stelsel sal klante help om hul vloot in perfekte orde te hou sonder om hul boerdery te ontwrig, deur hulle vooraf te skakel om roetine-instandhoudingsdienste rondom hul werkskedules te beplan.
Die stelsel wat deur die Connect Facility gebruik word, genereer ook nuttige verslae vir klante om die beste uit hul masjiene te haal en sodoende hul belegging te beskerm. Dit sluit in maandelikse masjiengeskiedenisverslae, masjienversorgings- en instandhoudingsverslae en masjienbedryfsverslae.
Met voortdurend bygewerkte kennis, vaardighede en eie metodologieë, beskik die maatskappy oor die nuutste transformerende tegnologieë. Outomatisering stel uiteraard hulpbronne vry om op strategiese digitale inisiatiewe vir klante te kan fokus.
CNH Industrial se aanpasbare benadering tot tegnologie-ontwikkeling spruit uit eerstehandse ondervinding met boerdery-uitdagings. As ware baanbrekers bied die maatskappy se voortreflike gekoppelde platform ‘n intuïtiewe digitale ervaring. Dit versamel, berg, visualiseer en ontleed data, wat ingeligte besluitneming aanhelp. Doeltreffende hulpbronbenutting dryf winsgewendheid aan, terwyl presisieboerdery volhoubaarheid bevorder deur klante in staat te stel om met groter doeltreffendheid en akkuraatheid te boer.