Brad Wade, who farms with his family near Plain, Illinois, anticipates a great view this harvest season. From the seat of his combine, he’ll be able to see how well his planter performed. The right planting equipment makes all the difference.
Illinois producer Brad Wade says this was the first year he was sorry to see planting season end.
Every producer strives for rows and rows of evenly spaced plants growing at the same height and stage. That starts when the seed goes into the ground — planted at the proper depth with uniform soil pressure all around the seed and good soil-to-seed contact. That’s exactly what Wade achieved this year with his new Case IH Early Riser® planter outfitted with Precision Planting® components.
Watch the video to hear Brad’s story. Here are a few highlights:
- When planting corn, you get one chance to do it right; it’s the most important operation of the whole year.
- The Early Riser planter and Precision Planting products gave the Wades the perfect combination after several years of settling for less-than-perfect.
- Planting productivity increased by 20 to 25 percent.
- The Wades achieved an even emergence and uniform stand in a tough year.
- It was “the ultimate planting experience.”
As you harvest your crops, watch for the evenness and uniformity Brad describes in the video. If you’re tired of settling for less than perfect, make plans to talk with your Case IH dealer about upgrading your planting equipment. Best of all, with Case IH Early Riser planters and Precision Planting components, you can customize your planter based precisely on your needs.